Why Everyone Needs To Pay A Visit To The Nation’s Capital, Washington DC

When most people think about Washington DC, they think about patriotism, voting, democrats, republicans, and everything that America is built on. While this might be the case, it certainly isn’t the only thing that the city has to offer. Sure, there is tons of history here with some of the most significant sights and scenes that you’ll ever encounter in your life, but that is not all the city has to offer. Here are some of the reasons that everyone should consider paying at least one or two visits to the area before leaving this earth. Bed Bug Exterminator Washington DC

The Free Sights

Washington DC might not be one of the least expensive vacations that you’ll ever take, but the true beauty of a trip like this is, there are tons of free attractions to take advantage of. You can visit Smithsonian Museums, view the poignant Lincoln Jefferson memorial, or check out the Capital. It might cost you an arm and a leg to get to your destination, but once arriving, there will be tons of things that you and the family can do for no charge. Be sure to pay a visit to the National Archives and check out the original Declaration of Independence. This is truly something not to be missed.

The Smithsonian Institute

One of the most famous institutes in the world is coming up on its 175th anniversary. Founded back in 1846, this foundation is the perfect representation of America’s thirst and quest for knowledge. What’s even more impressive about this institute is that they oversee an additional 17 museums in the area. Several of these will be part of the 175th-anniversary celebration and you’ll be able to check out the most exciting and interesting exhibits from each,

Martin Luther King Jr Library

If 2020 proved anything, it proved that there is still inequality in the country. While this is a very unfortunate thing, it also helps bring even more light and respect to the grandfathers of the civil rights movement. If it wasn’t for people like Martin Luther King Jr and others, African Americans might not be able to stand up and create Black Lives Matter movements. The MLK Library is known as the central library for DC and just recently underwent a $211 million renovation that took the building to all new heights. It’s not like the building wasn’t impressive and bold before, but now, it is unlike anything you would even imagine. Step inside the new entryway, check out the freshly designed research space or spend some time on the new rooftop terrace catching up on some light reading.