There is nothing quite as exciting as hitting the open road with the family. In fact, when traveling, sleep is one of the last things that you think of. You just want to go and go and keep going so that you can see everything in the little time that you do have. Well, sleep might be something that not only ends up saving you a whole lot of trouble, but it could save you a whole lot of time and money as well. That being said, sleep is something entirely different than what you are thinking.
With the recent resurgence of bed bugs, one has to make sure they take the time to avoid bed bugs when staying in public hotels, dorms, or hostels. This is where the sleep process can be applied.
The capital S in sleep, and perhaps one of the most crucial steps of the entire sleep process. This step stands for a survey and it pretty much means what the word implies. You’ll want to survey the hotel area or hostel that you are staying in. You’ll want to specifically survey it for signs of a bed bug infestation. The only problem is, most people don’t know what those signs are. Keep in mind, bed bugs are not discriminatory. Rich, black, white, poor, dirty, or clean, bed bugs are going to travel where they can feed. One of the best ways to detect bed bugs is by looking for musty, sweet odors. Something that will smell somewhat similar to that of soda pop syrup.
In addition to this, keep a check on your linens for red spots. While bed bugs do not spread diseases, they do bite during the night when you are asleep, which can result in left behind blood spots. It is also possible that you’ll roll over and squash some of the bugs during the night while they are feeding. This will be what those red spots represent.
The L is so important that it has two meanings, lift and look. Given that bed bugs are nocturnal insects, they’ll want to hide during the day while you are up and stirring around. This makes it even harder to locate them. This is why you have to apply the lift and look method when you check-in. After checking in, lift and look for all bed bug hiding spots. Check under the sheets, in the box springs, in the furniture, in cracks and crevices, in the bed frames, and check behind torn wallpaper. Don’t just check the mattress. Know all the potential hiding spots and check them before settling into your new digs.
While applying the lift and look technique, you’ll want to make sure that you are applying the next very important technique. The E, which means to elevate. You’ll want to keep all your personal belongings elevated. Bed bugs are pretty effective and efficient travelers, but if they can’t get to your belongings, they won’t be able to hitch on. This is how most people introduce bed bugs into their homes. The pests hitch on to clothes, in shoes, or even attach to the host and ride them or their belongings home.
The second E in the sleep theory is going to stand for examination. This one is crucial because it applies to the trip back home. During the repacking process, you’ll want to examine every piece you bring back with you. Whether it be your clothes that you brought with you or new mementos that you bought during your trip, you’ll want to make sure that you thoroughly inspect them for bed bugs before packing the items and taking them home.
It might be the last step of the process, but this is just one of the things that make this step so critical to the entire process. It is the P and it stands for placement. This means immediately after arriving home, place all your belongings in the dryer, on the highest heat setting for at least 15 minutes. It is a well-known scientifically documented fact that heat kills bed bugs. Drying all your belongings in the dryer on the highest heat setting will likely kill any of the bugs and eggs that potentially got on your belongings during your trip.